前言:Scala的创始人Martin Odersky,继 Functional Programming Principles in Scala 之后,又在coursera是开了一门课: reactive programming. 这一系列博客,是听课笔记

什么是reactive programmng ? 且翻译做:反射式编程

reactive --- readily response to a stimulus  对刺激做出快速的反应

react to events  ----- event driven

react to load ----- scalable

react to failures ----- resilient

react to users ---- responsive


 Review of functional programming

An important class of functional patterns: monads

Functional programs in a stateful world

Abstracting over events: futures

Abstracting over event streams: observables

Message passing architecture: actors

Handling failures: supervisors

Scaling out: distributed actors


Martin Odersky, Erik Meijer, Roland Kuhn